IPPOG Resource Database

From wonders to excitement

A collection of high quality engaging materials e.g. videos, posters, talks, hands-on activities and more to help you share the wonders and excitement of particle physics with teachers, students and the general public. 

The current DATABASE content is the testimony of years of IPPOG activities and was curated to celebrate the collaboration 25th anniversary, in November 2022. IPPOG Working Groups are currently collecting more.

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Search Results

58 items corresponding to your search criteria have been found.

Particle Physics and Society

Combattre le cancer : nouvelles approches, nouveaux outils

Avec plus de 350 000 nouveaux cas en France en 2010*, le cancer est un problème majeur de...

ATLAS - From Dream to Reality

Showcasing pictures and video from the building of the ATLAS Experiment to the first...


Begun in 1998, this U.S.-based program provides opportunities for teachers to learn about...

Solving the Enigma of the Universe: How we measure what we can't see

This talk was given at TEDxOporto 2016 to a large, general public audience. It attempts...

CERN Brochure - LHC Guide FAQ's

A collection of facts and figures about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the form of...

LHCb Interview - Interview with LHCb Physicist Tara Shears

CERN's Paola Catapano interviews LHCb physicist Tara Shears on 30 March 2010 when the LHC...

Search the RDB


p-Pb collisions at LHC : interviews of 7 experts from the ALICE experiment

A collection of 7 views on the p-Pb run from experts with different roles (theoretical...


New ideas and feedback are very welcome !

There are many people engaged with IPPOG, who made a contribution to the Resource Database websites, in form of curation and development. We would like to express our gratitude to these.