IPPOG Resources Database

Film still

Author(s): Mann, Chris, Mannmade

Contact: chris@mannmade.co.uk

Submitted by: barbora.gulejova@cern.ch

Published: April 29, 2022

Film still

Journey to the Unimaginably Strange

This video concentrates on the LHC and the strangeness of our universe it is designed to study. Subjects include
What happens within the LHC
Theory of relativity
How "Sat Nav" or Global Positioning Systems (GPS) work for cars and the possibility of errors in their measurement
Extra dimentions
Higgs field
Mini black holes
mini big bangs in ALICE and the quark gluon plasma
Produced by: Mannmade Productions
Director: Chris Mann
08:02 min. / 10 September 2008 / CERN Copyright



Matter, Particles and the Universe (Known Physics)
Particles and Their Interactions
Particles and Their Interactions
Quark-Gluon Plasma
Exploring the Unknown (Beyond Known Physics)
Extra Dimensions

School Topics

Nature of science
Scientific inquiry and reasoning
Structure of matter

Online use


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