IPPOG Coordination Team

Audiovisual Producer


Audiovisual Director

Chetna Krishna

Chetna Krishna is from New Delhi, India, and moved to Germany to complete further studies, B.Sc. in Science Communication and Bionics. Bionics' German equivalent, Bionik, adheres to a broader meaning — to develop engineering solutions from biological models.

She is a science writer, audiovisual specialist and the manager of CERN’s YouTube channel. Previously, Chetna worked at Deutsche Welle, Germany’s public international broadcaster, and covered stories for Asia and Environment units. She has also scripted and recorded an episode for Living Planet, a prize-winning, weekly radio show magazine telling environment stories from around the world.

She is also the author of the blog, Little Things That Matter, and enjoys talking to students from India and across the world encouraging them to pursue interdisciplinary careers where science and social science meet.

LinkedIn, @chit_chet_, @chit_chet_creatives