Former Staff

Master Student


Master Student
Mail : maud.grasmenil@cern.ch

Maud Delphine Grasmenil

Maud joined IPPOG in May 2024 as a CERN Administrative Student. With a multifarious background in editing, education and translation, her main mission in the core team is to help publish multilingual outreach resources on IPPOG’s website.

After graduating in social sciences (EHESS, Paris), Maud first worked as an editorial assistant in major French publishing houses, before turning to the education field as a secondary school teacher. Her desire to bring people and ideas together across linguistic and cultural barriers led her to a Master’s degree in English at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle University, where she conducted awarded research on science translation, complemented by a professional Master’s in Editorial, Economic and Technical Translation at ESIT, a world-renowned graduate school for translation and interpretation in Paris.

Driven by her relentless curiosity and her passion for communicating science to various audiences, she has specialised in scientific translation. High-quality courses at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, and a Translation Technology Fellowship at the World Intellectual Property Organization have also helped her build solid expertise in translation technology, which she uses to facilitate international communication.