by Fabiola Cacciatore
Meet the IPPOG success stories speakers
There are very few days left for the next 24th IPPOG meeting.
Save this date: October 27, 2022.
In fact on this day, starting from 1pm we will meet the success stories selected by IPPOG and its community.
15 different stories that share a passion for science, particularly particle physics.
But who are our special guests? Let's discover them together...
Dr Julia Woithe (CERN), Guillaume Durey (CERN)
CERN-Solvay Education Programme.
The CERN-Solvay Education Programme is designed to engage high-school students from around the world with exciting education content related to the scientific activities conducted at CERN (read more... -
Hannes Nitsche (TU Dresden)
TU Dresden Masterclass on Nuclear Astrophysics
Through these programmes, young people and teachers can experience particle and astroparticle physics, analysing data from the LHC experiments or carrying out their own measurements with detectors for cosmic rays. (read more -
Letizia Diamante science writer
"Your Adventure at CERN" book and Material for teachers
"You will be catapulted to CERN – one of the most famous particle physics laboratories in the world 🌍. Situated on the border between Switzerland and France, this place is a real ✨scientific wonderland✨ of underground tunnels, massive experiments and technological marvels" (discover more:
Simone Ragoni (Creighton University (US))
"Become a particle physicist in eight simple moves” book
Simone Ragoni in addition to being a physicist who collaborates in the ALICE experiment at CERN, is also an example of outreach done very well! Together with the passion for writing that led him to write a book that we could not miss to select among the success stories for this edition, Simone knows how to speak to the public through his social networks that we invite you to visit and follow: @simoneragoni @quarktastic
Kirill Skovpen (Ghent University (BE))
App Higgsy
This is a project that we are as curious to know as you are... The first app dedicated to particle physics... Games and learning come together to give life to the brilliant idea of Kirill Skovpen... We can't wait to hear more about it!
Mr Ian Andrews
The sketchbook and Collider
The Sketchbook and the Collider is an on-going collaboration with Prof Kostas Nikolopoulos from the particle physics group at University Birmingham and evolves from my residency at the University in 2018 culminating in the exhibition “The sketchbook and the Collider,” at the University and subsequent Arts Council funded exhibition at the Library of Birmingham entitled “Collision Event” in 2019. (discover more:
Christine Kourkoumelis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR))
The REINFORCE project (Research Infrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe) aims to engage and support citizens to cooperate with researchers and actively contribute in the development of new knowledge for the needs of science and society. (Learn more:
Barbora Bruant Gulejova (Universitaet Bern (CH))
The 4S+ Project
Steven Goldfarb (IPPOG co-chair)
MISK Special Masterclasses
This year IPPOG is making great strides in reaching special audiences through the International Masterclasses program. We can't wait to tell you more about it.
Vojtech Pleskot (Charles University (CZ))
The Big Bang Stage 2022
Lila Mabiala (CERN) and Sofia Caterina Hurst (Imperial College (GB))
Sparks! enables those serendipituous conversations for curious minds that lead to beautiful collaborations across disciplines. In these annual events, there is a podcast grounding some of the key aspects of the topic, a series of short talks to spark ideas, and a forum to allow those ideas to be nurtured and grow together. (Learn more:
Kenneth William Cecire and Spencer Pasero
Kenneth William Cecire and Spencer Pasero will introduce Higgs@10 workshops and their new NOvA masterclass and how each have been moved by teachers toward analysis in Python notebooks.
Sarah Zochling
Positron Emission Tomography
Interactive learning units are a new, virtual, and versatile format for classroom and distance learning.
Simona Kriva (CERN)
Women in Technology (WIT)
We are delighted to announce that WIT is our partner and that together we are carrying out an inclusiveness project dedicated to all those who work at CERN without a scientific background. With WIT we are organising special masterclasses dedicated to this audience.
Anja Kranjc Horvat (CERN)
Particle Physics in High School Curricula