IPPOG Resources Database

Elémentaire journal cover
Author(s): Physicists, Team, CNRS/IN2P3
Contact: narnaud@lal.in2p3.fr
Submitted by: barbora.gulejova@cern.ch
Published: April 29, 2022
Elémentaire journal cover
Science Journal -- Elémentaire - No 9 : Les premiers résultats du LHC
This is number 9 of a series of journals. 9th issue, published in September 2016. Complete title of journal is "Élémentaire - de linfiniment petit à linfiniment grand." Élémentaire ("Elementary") is an outreach journal in French whose eight issues cover the particle physics, from the atom to the discoveries expected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Each issue contains about 15 recurring articles which present the stakes of the physics of the infinitely small, such as the tools and the methods used to study this physics. The main discoveries in this research field over the years are described as well. All the articles can be downloaded for free from the Élémentaire website http://elementaire.web.lal.in2p3.fr while printed versions of the different issues can be purchased online. This new issue and all previous editions are available for free download at http://elementaire.lal.in2p3.fr.
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