Passport to the infinite: the Infinitely Large
How does particle physics combines with astronomic observation to shed light on the universe evolution ? The "state of the art" is presented in a set of short chapters.
Surveying the Universe
Electromagnetic Waves
The Forces in the Universe
The Origin of Atoms in the Universe
Black Holes
The Outskirts of Black Holes
Galaxy Clusters
The Dark Ages of the Universe
The Cosmic Microwave Background
Primordial Nucleosynthesis
Antimatter in the Universe
Dark Matter
Dark Energy
The Early Universe
Chapters translated from Passeport pour les deux infinis, IN2P3/Dunod: (French). Updated with ICHEP2024 conference results, for IPPOG.
To learn more about the project and further reading, go to the page: Passport to the Infinite: the Journey goes on