International Masterclasses
IMC Articles

Published Papers
- 2022
- Physics Masterclasses in Africa and the World
U. Bilow, K. Cecire
Proceedings of the African Conference on Fundamental and Applied Physics, ACP2021, March 7-11, 2022 - The Necessity of International Particle Physics Opportunities for American Education
U. Bilow, K. Cecire et al.
Snowmass 2021 - CMS International Masterclasses in Mexico
Alfredo Aranda, Kenneth Cecire, Cecire Uribe Estrada, Fabiola Vazquez
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP 2022), Bologna, July 6-13, 2022 - International Masterclasses: Forward from Pandemic
U. Bilow, K. Cecire
Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2022), Bologna, July 6 - 13, 2022
- Physics Masterclasses in Africa and the World
- 2021
- Particle therapy Masterclass
Yiota Foka
Proceedings of EPS-HEP conference, virtual, July 26-30, 2021 - Pandemic as a challenge for International Masterclasses
Ken Cecire, Uta Bilow
EPS-HEP conference, virtual, July 26-30, 2021 - ALICE virtual visits and masterclasses during the COVID pandemic
Despina Hatzifotiadou
Proceedings of EPS-HEP conference, virtual, July 26-30, 2021
- Particle therapy Masterclass
- 2020
- Nurturing Girls Interest in Science with Particle Physics Masterclasses
U. Bilow on behalf of the IPPOG Collaboration
Proceedings of ICHEP 2020 (International Conference on High Energy Physics), online/Prague, Czech Republic, July 28 - August 06, 2020 - Current Status of International Particle Physics Masterclasses
U. Bilow, K. Cecire
Proceedings of ICHEP 2020 (International Conference on High Energy Physics), online/Prague, Czech Republic, July 28 - August 06, 2020 - New developments for ALICE MasterClasses and the new Particle Therapy MasterClass
Lukasz Graczykowski, Piotr Nowakowski, Panagiota Foka (on behalf of the IPPOG Collaboration)
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2019)
- Nurturing Girls Interest in Science with Particle Physics Masterclasses
- 2019
- Developments in International Masterclasses
U. Bilow, Ken Cecire
Proceedings of EPS-HEP 2019 (European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics), Ghent, Belgium, July 10 - 17, 2019 - New directions in International Masterclasses
Ken Cecire, R. Dower
Proceedings for DPF2019 (2019 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society), Boston, MA, July 29 - August 2, 2019 - Join the global physics collaboration!
Uta Bilow, Ken Cecire
Global Insights, II/2019 - Global engagement in particle physics
Uta Bilow, Ken Cecire et al.
Global Insights, Issue 8, 04/2019 - Sharing LHC Research and Discovery with High School Students
Marcia Begalli, Uta Bilow
In: In: Pietrocola M. (eds) Upgrading Physics Education to Meet the Needs of Society. Springer, Cham. 02/2019
- Developments in International Masterclasses
- 2018
- Particle Physics Masterclasses: Sharing LHC Research and Discovery with High School Students
Uta Bilow for the IPPOG collaboration
Proceedings of the ICHEP Conference, Seoul, Korea, July 4-11, 2018
- Particle Physics Masterclasses: Sharing LHC Research and Discovery with High School Students
- 2017
- Particle Physics Masterclasses for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Julia Djuvsland for the IPPOG collaboration
Proceedings of the LHCP Conference, Shanghai, China, May 15-20, 2017 - Bringing particle physics into classrooms
Ken Cecire, Ivan Melo, Boris Tomasik
Proceedings of the conference Physics Teaching in Engineering, Education, PTEE 2017, University of Zilina, Slovakia, May 18-19, 2017 - International Masterclasses in Particle Physics – An excellent instrument to inspire high-school students
Uta Bilow on behalf of IPPOG
Proceedings of the EPS-HEP Conference, Venice, Italy, July 5-12, 2017 - Developments in International Masterclasses
Ken Cecire
Proceedings of the APS Division of Particles and Fields Meeting, Fermilab, July 31-August 4, 2017 - The challenge of explaining new physics concepts and phenomena
Eirik Gramstad
Proceedings of the EPS-HEP Conference, Venice, Italy, July 5-12, 2017
- Particle Physics Masterclasses for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- 2016
- The QuarkNet CMS masterclass: bringing the LHC to students
Kenneth Cecire, Tom McCauley
Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings 273-275 (2016) 1261-1264
- The QuarkNet CMS masterclass: bringing the LHC to students
- 2015
- Discovery and the QuarkNet Data Portfolio
Kenneth Cecire
Presented at: DPF 2015, The Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of particles and Fields, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 4-8, 2015 - LHC discoveries and particle physics concepts for education
Farid Ould-Saada
Proceedings of the EPS-HEP Conference, Vienna, Austria, July 22-29, 2015
- Discovery and the QuarkNet Data Portfolio
- 2014
- The CMS Masterclass and Particle Physics Outreach
Kenneth Cecire, Marjorie Bardeen, Thomas McCauley
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics - International Masterclasses - bringing LHC data to school children
Uta Bilow and Michael Kobel on behalf of IPPOG
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics - ALICE Masterclass on strageness
Panagiota Foka and Malgorzata Janik
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics - International Particle Physics Masterclasses with LHC data
Panagiota Foka on behalf of IPPOG
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics - ATLAS Masterclasses - W and Z path physics and presentation of the Z path measurement
Magnar Bugge, Eirik Gramstad, Vanja Morisbak, Farid Ould-Saada, Maiken Pedersen, Silje Raddum
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics
- The CMS Masterclass and Particle Physics Outreach
- 2012
- International Particle Physics Masterclasses
Panagiota Foka
Proceedings of the Xth Conference Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum
- International Particle Physics Masterclasses
- 2007
- European particle physics masterclasses make students into scientists for a day
K.E. Johansson, M. Kobel, D. Hillebrandt, K. Engeln, M. Euler
Physics Education, 42 (2007) 636-64
- European particle physics masterclasses make students into scientists for a day