International Masterclasses

High School Students


FAQ about International Masterclasses

Are you a high school student and want to participate in the International Masterclasses? Here you have the chance to have all your curious questions answered about the masterclass event and your participation.


  • For what age group are the Masterclasses intended?

 Typically, Masterclasses are aimed at high school students. The ages vary between 15 years and 19 years.

  • Do I need particle physics knowledge beforehand?

No, all you need you will learn during the day.

  • Where are the International Masterclasses held?

They take place in all participating institutes of each country, map of countries can be seen under this link.

  • How can I apply?

Contact the participating institute closest to you.

  • Is there a participation fee?

No, participation in Masterclasses is free of charge.