International Masterclasses
Photo Contest

Get your cameras ready, the 2024 IMC Photo Contest is about to start!
This contest is open to all Masterclasss participants: students, teachers, scientists, institutes. The jury is looking forward a diverse, refreshing and immersive snapshot of the IPPOG flagship programme as seen by those without whom it would not exist: you !
Participation: February 15th to April 15th, 2024
Results announcement : May 1st, 2024
- Photos can cover all aspects of the Masterclass, from the preparation to activities organised within the institutes and class-rooms.
- Photos must less than 5 years old, and be accompanied by the author names and a caption describing the event (at most 200 characters). A maximum of 5 photos per participant will be taken into account.
- The minimal resolution is 4500 x 3000 pixels and horizontal format is preferable.
- Image rights: unless written agreement is obtained, faces will have to be blurred. This will impact the image quality, and hence the chances to be selected by the jury.
The selected images will be stored in the CERN images repository, used on the IPPOG web and social media and possibly in exhibitions, with credits to the author.
Jury and prizes
A jury of 5 persons will select the best 10 pictures, that will be featured on the IPPOG social media and web site.
Within this selection, 3 special prizes will be given. The author of the picture will receive a little present and the class which appears on the picture will be invited to connect to one of the IPPOG experiments to meet scientists and enjoy a "virtual visit" of the apparatus.
The photos and captions must be sent by email to
- Authorship: author name must be specified, and will be used for the credits.
- Description: type of Masterclass, date, location as well as the name of the institute organising the event and the school or the class participating.
- Publishing authorisation: the email must specify that consent was obtained from all the persons whose face is not blurred. Without this explicit statement the jury will not be able to take the photo into account.
Looking forward to hearing from you !