Battling the Matilda Effect

An interview with five women scientists, moderators of the IPPOG Masterclass on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Fabiola Cacciatore, 11 February 2022

EPS Outreach Prize 2021 goes to IPPOGers

We are very happy to announce that this year’s EPS HEPP Outreach Prize has been awarded  to Uta Bilow and Ken Cecire, coordinators of the International Masterclasses, and Sascha Mehlhase, IPPOG representative from the ATLAS Expe

Last candidate member signed IPPOG MoU

IPPOG became official scientific collaboration upon the signature of MoU by first 10 IPPOG Members in December 2016.

Signing ceremony for Georgia membership in IPPOG
Georgia MInister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, Mikheil Chkhenkeli (left), and IPPOG co-chair, Steven Goldfarb (Image: CERN)

Science Minister signing the MoU to make Georgia a member of IPPOG

Description to be added soon

IPPOG’s contribution to European Strategy for Particle Physics Update discussions

IPPOG replied to the call for contributions to European Strategy for Particle Physics Update discussions and wrote an input.