INFN Unit and Physics Department of University and Polytechnic - Bari



Sezione di Bari dell'INFN
Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita e del Politecnico
via E. Orabona, 4
70126 Bari


Alessandra Pastore (LHCb)
Fabio Colamaria (ALICE)
Vincenzo Mastrapasqua (CMS)


Research & Teaching

The research activities of the Bari INFN Unit cover a wide range of physics topics in the fields of Nuclear, Particle and Astroparticle physics, both in the experimental and theoretical fields. The experimental groups participate to experiments at the major accelerators as well as astroparticle experiments. The research activities focus also on the development of innovative detectors and the auxiliary electronics for the above mentioned experiments as well as for human and social applied activities, such as biomedical diagnostics, arts, etc. All these activities are carried out in very close collaboration with the Physics Department "M. Merlin" of the two Universities of Bari, namely University of Bari "A. Moro" and Polytechnic of Bari. Staff employees, PhD students and undergraduate students of the Physics Department are fully embedded in the research groups and contribute to the full span of research activities.

Studying physics in Bari offers a broad range of opportunities for Physics education in terms of lectures and laboratory courses, which are organized in bachelor (3 years), master (2 years) and PhD (3 years) programs.

In the context of the long standing tradition in Bari of participation in experiments at the CERN accelerator complex and in particular at present to three of the main LHC experiments, namely ALICE, CMS and LHCb, bachelor, master and PhD students have the opportunity to perform stages and theses participating to the activities of these three international collaborations.