Faculty of Physics of University of Belgrade - Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics
Faculty of Physics of University of Belgrade, Department for Nuclear and Particle Physic
Studentski trg 12
11000 Belgrade
+381 11 7158-178 or 7158-151

Faculty of Physics of University of Belgrade, Department for Nuclear and Particle Physic
Studentski trg 12
11000 Belgrade
+381 11 7158-178 or 7158-151
The Faculty of Physics of the University of Belgrade is one of the leading educational and scientific institutions in Serbia. It consists of the Department of Physics and Department of Meteorology. The Faculty organizes undergraduate studies in five study groups and directions, masters and doctoral studies, as well as scientific research work in 11 fields of physics and meteorology. Teaching, scientific research and professional work are conducted through 11 departments, while the experimental work is carried out in a total of 29 laboratories.
Scientists and researchers of the Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics have a long tradition in teaching and research in the field of nuclear physics and high energy physics. Members of this Department participate actively in the CMS experiment at CERN since 1997.
Their involvement includes the hardware work within the ECAL of the CMS detector, physics analysis of experimental data and engineering work on design and 3D modeling of parts of the CMS detector.
Fizički fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu je visokoškolska i naučna ustanova koju cine Institut za fiziku i Institut za meteorologiju. Fakultet organizuje osnovne studije na pet studijskih grupa i smerova, doktorske i specijalističke studije, kao i naučno istrazivački rad iz 11 oblasti fizike i meteorologije. Nastava, naučno-istrazivački i stručni rad se izvodi u okviru 11 katedri, a eksperimentalna nastava se odvija u ukupno 29 laboratorija.
Članovi katedre za fiziku jezgra i fiziku elementarnih čestica istovremeno sprovode obrazovne aktivnosti i učestvuju u istraživanjima u oblastima nuklearne fizike i fizike visokih energija. Članovi katedre takođe aktivno učestvuju u nekoliko projekata u okviru CMS eksperimenta.
The Faculty of Physics organizes regularly "Open days" events and trainings for teachers of physics. It supports popularization of physics through the programme of Festival of Science and organizes additional information days for interested students. In collaboration with Serbian Physical Society it supports organization of national competitions in physics and publication of the journal "A Young Physicist".