Institut za nuklearne nauke "Vinča" - Grupa za fiziku elementarnih čestica (Laboratorija za fiziku 010)



VINČA Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Laboratory of Physics 010
Group for Elementary Particle Physics
P.O.Box 522
11000 Belgrad

+381 11 3408-183 or 3408-186

Dr. Jovan Milošević

The "Vinca" Institute of Nuclear Sciences (INN) has been founded in 1948 as a research center for the implementation of the nuclear programme of the country (FNRJ, later Yugoslavia). Since 1968 the research concept of the Institute was modified and today it represents the largest multidisciplinary research institute in Serbia covering a large number of scientific as well as technical and technological disciplines. Currently, the "Vinca" Institute consists of 16 laboratories with different research programmes and projects with the world wide developed international collaboration.

The Group for Elementary Particle Physics, which belongs to the Laboratory of Physics 010, is involved in various scientific research and educational activities. The main field of research interest of this Group includes phenomena both in experimental and theoretical particle physics. Members of this group participate actively in High Energy Physics experiments within large international collaborations at CERN: DELPHI (since 1995) and CMS (1997).

Institut za nuklearne nauke "Vinča" osnovan je 1948. godine kao istraživacki centar za realizaciju nuklearnog programa zemlje (tada FNRJ, kasnije SFRJ). Od 1968. godine istraživacki koncept instituta je promenjen a on i danas predstavlja najveći multidisciplinarni naučni institut u Srbiji koji pokriva veliki broj naučnih i tehničko-tehnoloških disciplina. Institut "Vinča" se trenutno sastoji od 16 laboratorija sa različitim istraživačkim projektima i široko razvijenom međunarodnom saradnjom.

Grupa za fizku elementarnih čestica pripada Laboratoriji za fiziku 010 i uključena je u različita naučna istraživanja i edukativne aktivnosti. Osnovna oblast istraživanja Grupe jesu teorijski i ekspermentalni aspekti iz oblasti fizike elementarnih čestica. Članovi ove Grupe aktivno učestvuju u velikim eksperimentima u okviru međunarodnih kolaboracija u CERN-u: DELPHI (od 1995) i CMS (od 1997).


The "Vinca" Institute regularly organizes seminars and lectures as well as public visits. It supports trainings of teachers through the programme "Ruka u testu". The Institute also supports popularization of physics through programme of "Festival of Science", while in collaboration with Serbian Physical Society it supports organization of national competitions in physics and publication of the journal "A Young Physicist".

Competitions in physics

Programme "Ruka u testu"

Journal "Young Physicist"

Festival of Sciences