University of Johannesburg - Dept of Physics
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science
University of Johannesburg
PO Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006
South Africa
+27 (11) 559-4380
+27 (11) 559-2327
+27 (11) 351-7027
Department of Physics,
Faculty of Science
University of Johannesburg
PO Box 524, Auckland Park, 2006
South Africa
+27 (11) 559-4380
+27 (11) 559-2327
+27 (11) 351-7027
Research & Teaching
The University of Johannesburg is located in South Africa's largest city, Johannesburg. The Dept of Physics within this University conducts research and teaching in several fields. The High Energy Physics Group is part of ATLAS via Brookhaven National Laboratory, and is a member of the SA-CERN Programme.
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