Institute for Theoretical Physics UAM/CSIC



C/ Nicolás Cabrera 13-15
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Cantoblanco, 28049, Madrid

+34 91 299 9865

Carlos Pena

Víctor Martín Lozano

Research & Teaching

The Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) is a joint research centre belonging to the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), created on June 13, 2002.
The IFT has currently 50 members: among which 30 are permanent staff and 20 are postdoctoral researchers.

The research conducted at the IFT mainly focuses on theoretical aspects of particle physics, covering the following areas,

The origin of mass
- Physics beyond the Standard Model
- LHC & new physics: prediction tools
- Neutrino physics

The origin and composition of the Universe
- AstroParticle physics and dark matter
- Early Universe cosmology and dark energy

Quantum fields, gravity and strings
- Gravitation
- Holography, strings and quantum field theory
- Lattice field theory
- String phenomenology

Theoretical condensed matter and quantum information

The members of the IFT also participate in the teaching duties of the Department of Theoretical Physics of the UAM, lecturing in the Physics Degree of the Sciences Faculty, as well as in its Masters Degree.