University of Lund
Lund University
Department of Physics
Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1, Lund
Postal address: P.O.Box 118, SE-22100 Lund
+46-46-222 76 95
Lund University
Department of Physics
Visiting address: Professorsgatan 1, Lund
Postal address: P.O.Box 118, SE-22100 Lund
+46-46-222 76 95
The Division of Particle Physics at the Department of Physics at the Lund University does research and teaching at the high energy frontier and in relativistic heavy ion collisions.
The division is mainly involved in the ATLAS experiment at the proton-proton collider LHC at CERN as well research with relativistic heavy ions in the ALICE experiment also at CERN.
Our division offers a complete particle physics research programme, complemented by our involvement in e-science enabling technology research via the NorduGrid Collaboration. We give courses and labs in particle physics, see our education pages.
We are also involved in detector research and development towards a future linear electron-positron collider.
There is also a close collaboration with the theoretical high energy physics group at the department of Astronomy and Theoretical physics.
Avdelningen f�r partikelfysik vid Fysiska institutionen, Lunds universitet, forskar och undervisar inom i energi-gr�nsen och relativistiska tunga kollisioner jon.
Avdelningen deltar i elektron-protonexperimentet H1 vid DESY och ATLAS proton-protonexperimentet ATLAS vid CERN. Forskning med relativistiska tunga joner sker med ALICE-experimentet vid CERN och PHENIX experimentet vid Brookhaven.
Vår avdelning erbjuder ett fullfjï��drat forskningsprogram inom partikelfysik. Verksamheten kompletteras av vårt engagemang inom e-vetenskap, som mï��jliggï��r teknisk forskning via NorduGrid Collaboration. Vi ger kurser och laborationer i partikelfysik, se våra kurssidor.
Vi ï��r också involverade i detektorforskning och -utveckling mot en framtida linjï��r elektron-positronkolliderare.