Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV)
Escuela de Física, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado Postal A.P. 20513. Caracas 1020-A. Venezuela
+58 212 605 11 09
Escuela de Física, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado Postal A.P. 20513. Caracas 1020-A. Venezuela
+58 212 605 11 09
The Universidad Central de Venezuela is a premier public university of Venezuela located in Caracas. It was founded in 1721. The university is organized into 11 schools which are subdivided into 40 departments. The scientific research program of our physics department includes: material science, condensed matter, statistics, field theory and theoretical particle physics.
Recently a group of pioneer researchers joined the LAGO Collaboration for the study of gamma rays, opening a new field of study in our department. Since then several seminars and outreach activities have been performed for the promotion and wide scientific and educational dissemination of HEP. An experimental HEP course is imparted by the CEVALE2VE group since 2014 and is included in our Physics Master program.
International Masterclasses: Hands on particle physics
General HEP seminars by the CEVALE2VE / LA-CoNGA groups