Notre Dame QuarkNet Center- University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame QuarkNet Center
University of Notre Dame
929 North Eddy Street
South Bend
Indiana, USA 46617
+01 (574) 631-4737

Notre Dame QuarkNet Center
University of Notre Dame
929 North Eddy Street
South Bend
Indiana, USA 46617
+01 (574) 631-4737
Research & Teaching
The Notre Dame QuarkNet Center (NDQC), a Research Community for Teachers, has extended an open-ended invitation to secondary school science teachers to participate in the activities of the high energy physics group from the Department of Physics at the University of Notre Dame. The NDQC is associated with the national QuarkNet program. Research at the center includes detector design and development for D0 at the Fermilab Tevatron, for CMS at CERN, and for the ILC.