Black Hills State University
Dr. Kara Keeter
Black Hills State University
College of Arts and Sciences
1200 University St. Unit 9095
Spearfish, South Dakota 57799-9095
+1 (605) 642-6490

Dr. Kara Keeter
Black Hills State University
College of Arts and Sciences
1200 University St. Unit 9095
Spearfish, South Dakota 57799-9095
+1 (605) 642-6490
There are many ways for you to get involved with research in Physics on the BHSU campus. Several experiments and centers are here to give you amazing opportunities to learn more about the current issues in this subject area. BHSU, with the assistance of Dr. Kara Keeter, is establishing a nuclear and particle astrophysics program that studies the very smallest particles in the universe in order to understand structures as large as stars, supernova, and even galaxies. Two elusive particles, neutrinos and dark matter, are the current subject of intense debate and interest. In fact, national advisory committees list investigating the nature of dark matter and neutrinos among the highest priority questions in particle physics today. Although these particles arrive at the Earth from space, they are so hard to "see" that it is necessary to place the detectors deep underground, to shield from background "noise" found on surface. DUSEL will be among the world�s premier locations for such research, and work has already begun at the interim Sanford Lab. BHSU scientists are involved in collaborations with physicists from prestigious institutions throughout the United States and the world to study neutrinos and dark matter. These internationally recognized experiments have the potential to change the basic Standard Model of Particle Physics and to forever enhance our understanding of the universe. QuarkNet at Black Hills State University offers teachers a unique opportunity to participate in this ground-breaking research.