University of Liverpool
The University of Liverpool
Founded in 1881, the University of Liverpool is the "Original Redbrick" University. Today, it hosts a student population of more than 30,000 students on its lively campus in the centre of Liverpool. With a commitment to research-led teaching, the University is rated Gold for educational excellence in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023.
Physics at Liverpool
The Liverpool Physics Department is committed to providing all of our undergraduate and postgraduate students the opportunity to realise their maximum potential as a physicist. We are currently ranked as a UK top 10 physics department when it comes to the quality of our research (REF2021). A wide range of research is performed in our department across particle physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, accelerator science and physics education research. The department's commitment to teaching excellence is bolstered by its Physics Education Research Cluster, where an evidence-based approach is used to explore and improve physics teaching and learning.
Particle Physics Research
Liverpool has one of the largest and most active Particle Physics groups in the UK. The Particle Physics Research Cluster has leading involvement in a wide range of experiments and activities internationally, with close links to major international Particle Physics laboratories such as CERN (Switzerland), Fermilab (USA), and JPARC (Japan). Our programme includes working at the energy and precision frontiers of physics and in studying the properties of quarks and neutrinos. As a team of almost 90 researchers including theorists, programmers, engineers, technicians and students we are a leading centre for the study of the fundamental properties of the universe.
Liverpool Physics Outreach is committed to enhancing physics and STEM education and sharing the latest research with the public in Liverpool and England's northwest. We share our excitement for physics far and wide and have created a broad range of teaching and learning materials for schools, students and anyone who would like to know more. We engage with thousands of school children and members of the public every year and our wider science communication programme has reached millions around the world.