Lánczos Kornél High School
Lánczos Kornél High School
Budai út 45
+36 (20) 364-4980

Lánczos Kornél High School
Budai út 45
+36 (20) 364-4980
Lánczos Kornél Gimnázium is the first foundation high school in Székesfehérvár, which started its operation in 1996.
It has been a member of the National Association of Research Students since 2000, and a supporting school of the National Association of Research Teachers since 2006.Community award for the Talent Service - 2011.
The LKG takes into account the interests and age characteristics of the students both in the structure of the school and in the curriculum. The school focuses on the personality of the students and strives to satisfy their interests, needs and demands. In LKG, communication with students is of primary importance. Emphasis is placed on the most basic means of human contact, conversation.
The institution has been working on talent management since its foundation. Their teaching practice is permeated by the discovery of students' talents and their development into skills. They do not give students closed, certain knowledge, but build on their curiosity and creativity, and work together to process and rethink the curriculum. Various forms of activities, biological and geographical field exercises, the one-week camp in Bodajki, physics experiments, and scientific student activities serve this purpose.
Talent management is also broad-spectrum in the field of literature, arts and communication: it ranges from students playing in musical theater productions written and directed by art teachers to radio operated by students.