Organisational Structure
IPPOG is an International Collaboration bound by a Memorandum of Understanding. It is governed by a Collaboration Board comprising representatives of the Members (countries, international particle physics laboratories and experiments) and Associate Members (national laboratories). IPPOG's chairs report, once per year, to the CERN Council.
Coordination Team: One or two IPPOG Chair(s) is/are elected by the Collaboration Board for up to two 3-year terms. They direct activities by leading the Core Team (Scientific Secretary and other staff). The Programme Coordinators run the International Masterclass and Global Cosmics programmes.
IPPOG Committees and Advisory Boards: Some decisions in IPPOG are being taken by different committees or after consultation with advisory boards. These bodies serve for guidance and advice to the Coordination team, Collaboration board or Collaboration as a whole. These groups are based on standing or recurrent need of IPPOG Collaboration for their input. Today IPPOG has an IPPOG Finance and Audit Advisory Board (IFAAB) and a Speakers and Publications Committee (SPC).
IPPOG Working Groups: have been established in IPPOG in order to develop / expand discussion topics and group contributors working on similar projects. These are mostly long-standing bodies meeting at least twice a year and reporting at IPPOG meetings. Today IPPOG has following Working Groups:
- Explaining Particle Physics to the Public
- Outreach of Applications for Society
- Exhibitions and Public Events
- International Masterclasses to New Countries
- Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility
IPPOG Activities: Several Steering Groups have been established in IPPOG in order to steer the main collaboration Activities and projects (in which case their mandate might be limited to the duration of the project). These bodies serve for guidance and advice to the Coordinators. Today IPPOG has the following Activities:
The IPPOG Forum comprises the Collaboration Board, Coordination Team and other experts engaged in IPPOG activities.
IPPOG Partners and Contributors are external organisations which collaborate with IPPOG.
Composition of the membership and people active in IPPOG are on the Members and People page.