Faculty of Science University of Sarajevo - PMF
Zmaja od Bosne 33 & 35
71000 Sarajevo
+387 33 723 723
+387 33 279 946
+387 33 279 945
Dean's office
Department of physics
Head of Deparment od physics
Zmaja od Bosne 33 & 35
71000 Sarajevo
+387 33 723 723
+387 33 279 946
+387 33 279 945
Dean's office
Department of physics
Head of Deparment od physics
With separation of the Department of Natural and Mathematics science from Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo into the Independent Faculty in 1960, Department of Physics has become one of five departments of the Faculty of Science, which operates within the University of Sarajevo.
Department of Physic at Faculty of Science on University of Sarajevo is department of Physic with longest tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There is a very long list of successful physicist that graduated at our department and pursue their successful careers all around the world.
The activity of the Department of Physics is both educational and scientific. In the field of education, three cycles of study are available to students, in accordance with the Bologna principles. Students can acquire bachelor title after successful completion of the first cycle of four year study (240 ECTS). In addition, students can gain master degree title, after completing one more year of study. Regarding the third cycle, at this moment Department of Physics offers possibility for students to enroll in the field of theoretical physics and education physics.
Početak razvoja moderne fizike u Bosni i Hercegovini veže se za osnivanje Filozofskog fakulteta u Sarajevu 1950. godine, u čijem je sastavu bio i Prirodno-matematički odsjek. Odvajanjem Prirodno-matematičkog odsjeka u samostalni fakultet 1960. godine, Odsjek za fiziku postaje jedan od pet odsjeka Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteteta u Sarajevu.
Djelatnost Odsjeka za fiziku je obrazovna i naučna. U okviru obrazovne djelatnosti studentima su na raspolaganju tri ciklusa studija u skladu po Bolonjskim principima. Nakon uspješnog završetka prvog ciklusa studija u trajanju od četiri godine student stiče zvanje Bachelor fizike odnosno Bachelor fizike u obrazovanju, zavisno od studijskog programa. Završetkom drugog ciklusa studija u trajanju od jedne godine student stiče zvanje Magistra fizike odnosno Magistra fizike u obrazovanju. Treći ciklus studija se trenutno organizuje iz oblasti teorijske fizike i edukacijske fizike.
Naučno-istraživački rad na Odsjeku za fiziku se odvija u oblastima teorijske atomske i molekularne fizike i fizike visokih energija, eksperimentalne fizike kondenzirane materije i edukacijske fizike.