Triângulo Mineiro Federal University
Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Naturais e Educação - UFTM
Av. Dr. Randolfo Borges, 1400 - Univerdecidade
CEP: 38.064-200 - Uberaba-MG
+55 34 3331 3000
+55 34 9689 0357

Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Naturais e Educação - UFTM
Av. Dr. Randolfo Borges, 1400 - Univerdecidade
CEP: 38.064-200 - Uberaba-MG
+55 34 3331 3000
+55 34 9689 0357
Research & Teaching
The physics department performs research in high energy physics related to the CP violation of B mesons, computational simulation in biophysics and theoretical research in physics education.
The department offers basic university education in physics, graduating professionals to work in the physics teaching at the public high schools.
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