University of Split



University of Split
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture

R. Boskovica 32
HR-21000 Split

Research & Teaching

The University of Split located in Croatia, was founded in 1974. About 25 000 students is studding on 13 faculties and 124 faculty programs. At Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical

In the Engineering and Naval Architecture (FESB) ASTROHEP research group there are two groups doing research in experimental high energy physics, one group participate in CMS collaboration and the other group in MAGIC collaboration. CMS Group is a member of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) collaboration at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Geneva since 1994. Since 1994 group has been active in construction of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter, mainly in the area of prototype testing using particle beams at CERN and in photodetectors testing in the laboratory in Split. Our group participated in development of basic and more advanced algorithms that became the standard for electron reconstruction in CMS. We are currently working on improving electron energy estimates by correcting deposited energy in electromagnetic calorimeter separately for different classes of electron candidates, based on their quality. Main activity of our group in CMS is search for the Higgs boson through decay channel to two Z boson, which themselves decay to electron-positron or muon-antimuon pair: H→ZZ→4l. Besides research activity group is very active in popularization and promotion of science. A research Group for Very High Gamma-ray Astronomy at Department of Physics on the University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split as a full member of the international MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) collaboration since 2009. MAGIC group from Split mainly studies pulsed emission of VHE gamma-rays from pulsars (fast rotating neutron stars - a remnant of supernova explosion and is responsible for daily data quality checks.


We are organizing biannual conference "LHC Days in Split", since 1996, which is designed to reinforce and further develop High Energy Physics in Croatia, especially in connection with the LHC Project.