Exploring Sofia Tech Park

In May 2023, IPPOG had the privilege of convening its annual spring meeting at Sofia Tech Park, a hub of cutting-edge technology and scientific excellence. This remarkable gathering provided an opportunity for scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts from around the world to experience firsthand the wonders of Sofia Tech Park and its role in shaping the future of innovation.

Particle physics becomes a game app, actually, two!

Higgsy and MatterBricks are two remarkable free apps that introduce users from around the globe to the wonders of particle physics.

25th IPPOG spring meeting in Sofia

Another wonderful international meeting has just finished. We were in Sofia, Bulgaria.
From May 9th to May 13th, 2023, one of the most dynamic and lively IPPOG events took place at the marvelous district of Sofia Tech Park.

Quantum World Day

Have you ever thought that physics is missing its international day? A new initiative by quantum scientists around the world could just change that— an initiative to celebrate April 14 as World Quantum Day. Its main goal is to promote quantum science and technology around the world.

Particle physics explained to children of all ages through narrative books

History teaches us that through images and words, human beings are capable of communicating apparently abstract and invisible concepts, making themselves understood by the various interlocutors with whom they interface.