Passport to the Infinite

The French book "Passeport pour les deux infinis" (link) was published by CNRS/IN2P3, updated and released publicly by the editor Dunod during the covid lockdown: the IPPOG Working Group on resources curation (link) is happy to now provide an English translation and update.

Passport to the Infinite: the Infinitely Small

How big is a particle ? How many fundamental forces do we know ? What is and where is antimatter ? 

Find answers to these questions in the chapters describing the world and standard model of particles.

Passport to the Infinite : from Beams to Measurements

Large quantities of particles are produced in accelerators and collide at the centre of giant detectors built to study their properties.

What are the steps needed to extract measurements from the large amount of data produced ? How do these complex instruments work ?

Passport to the infinite: the Infinitely Large

How does particle physics combines with astronomic observation to shed light on the universe evolution ? The "state of the art" is presented in a set of short chapters. 


Passport to the Infinite: from Cosmic Messengers to Observatories

The Earth continuously receives showers of high-energy charged particles, from a wide range of cosmic accelerators corresponding to violent phenomena in the Universe.

Find out what the observatories have learned about and thanks to cosmic rays since their discovery, a century ago.


Passport to the Infinite: the Journey goes on

The story does not stop here... Neither for the scientists nor for you, interested reader.

In this section the story and the authors of the original book are presented, as well as other publications from CNRS/IN2P3, one of the pillars of the IPPOG collaboration in France.

A glossary provides tips for further exploration, and links are provided to follow the journey.